Monday, September 19, 2005

The Bug and a Birthday

It looks like we're sharing a bug around this house. It started with Harrison and a runny nose. Then is was Annamaria, and a stuffy nose. Now it's me with huge tonsils, a sore throat and a general feeling of yucky. Despite that I still have lunch for twenty tomorrow. And a PTG meeting tonight. PTG is the catholic school version of the PTA. Each year, as part of our obligation to the school, we have to earn 60 service points. So in an effort to acquire some service points I volunteered to bring snack for tonights meeting. Two batches of blondies, and mini chocolate ganache cupcakes. I really would just like to go back to bed.

There have been some grumblings of lack of photos. I'd tried to upload photos on my last post, but something wouldn't cooperate. I'll try again.

And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my MOM. I can't believe my mom is 58 years old. She probably wouldn't appreciate me posting her age for all to see, but she doesn't seem any where near 58 years old, so take it as a complement. I'm such a horrible daughter I've done absolutely nothing for her birthday. And she's tough to buy for. So I'll have to rack my brain on how to make it up to her. She really is the best mom.

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