Tuesday, April 18, 2006

To Know, Or Not To Know

As of yesterday, I am officially 19 weeks pregnant. The good news is that I lost some weight at the beginning of this pregnancy due to feeling green most of the time, and I'm now 19 weeks in, and still under my starting weight. Barely, but that still counts to me. Now that I think of it, maybe that isn't such good news because that just really says how much over weight I was to begin with. But since my last born was only seven months old, when I conceived this one, I'm cutting myself some slack. Anyway, today I have my sonogram appointment. The big sonogram appointment, where I have to drink 16 ounces of water in fifteen minutes an hour before my appointment and not pee before the sonogram is done. I really think that is cruel, especially when one has a tendency to pee when one sneezes when pregnant. I'm praying for a low pollen count today. So today is the day I can find out the sex of the baby if I wish. Now Vince likes the element of suprise. He places a little wager with himself on the sex of the baby and heartily stands by his decision if anyone asks him what he thinks the baby is. He answers as if he truely knows. And the first couple of times he was right. He was so shocked though that Annamaria was a girl. Honestly suprised that he was wrong. So I've indulged Vince in his request to be suprised, though he acts as though he has all the answers, and not found out the sex of the baby. It really is fun not knowing in a way, adds to the element of suprise, but I'm feeling restless about this one. I'm feeling like there is enough uncertainty in our lives right now, and maybe I would like to know the sex of this baby. Are we going to have a balanced team with two girls and two boys, or are we going to be a household of hormonal raging teenage girls in about ten years? Inquiring minds want to know. A friend suggested I ask the technician to write down the baby's sex on a piece of paper. Then if I decide later that I just have to know, the information will be there waiting for me. But that just seems torturous to me. Now if I find out the sex, I may be able to stop worring about a name. We have a boys name picked out already, so if the baby is a boy, I can just relax. But if she's a girl, I can get down to business and get serious about picking a girls name, since at this point I'm clueless. So really I'm torn. Ruin the suprise or be prepared. And I have about three hours to decide. And of course being pregnant doesn't help with the decision making process since my brain doesn't seem to function as well as it used to. Decisions, decisions.


Over Coffee said...

So what did you decide?

Jessica said...

WELL???? I keep looking for updates with none to be found. I'm thinking you decided to not know. Either that or to know and not share...