Friday, November 10, 2006

Buns of Steel

Not mine, I wish, my husbands. Vince left Dallas yesterday, around 2pm his time, and as of 10:00 am this morning, my time, he is already past Las Cruces, New Mexico. He's been driving, driving, driving, except for the four hour break he took to sleep last night. I wasn't planning on him being home for dinner tonight, but it looks like I was wrong. When he went up to Montana to get our stuff out of storage and move it to Texas, he left here Saturday afternoon. Got to Helena Sunday morning. Loaded up the trailer, and hit the road immediately. Went from Montana to Texas in about 36 hours, arriving in Texas Tuesday morning. Got back on the road Wednesday evening and arrived home in the wee hours of Friday morning. I'm telling you, Buns of Steel.

The house Vince found for us to lease is not going to go through afterall. First the house was suposed to be available immediately. Then the owner said he'd be out by the first week of December. We figured that was o-kay, we'd spend some time with my mom. No hurry. We filled out all the application stuff, made arrangements for the dogs (he won't accept pets), turned in our $50 application fee, and now the owner is saying he won't be out until after the 1st of the year. What a wanker! We're jumping through hoops to get everything done that we need to, and he's screwing around. I guess real estate woes are real estate woes and it doesn't matter if you're renting or buying, they're all the same. So now we get to start from scratch, and since we aren't actually there to check out houses in person, it's going to get tricky.

But back to packing for now. I'm getting discouraged and can't wait for Vince to get home to help because I don't feel like I'm making a dent.

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