Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Little Me Time

My husband is out on a date tonight. Our friend, Jack, called earlier and asked if he'd like to go see the newest Spiderman movie tonight. This made Vince so happy. We're in a new town and barely know anyone, but he has a buddy. Made him feel good. Jack's wife, my friend Katrina, is back in California for the week for work. So Katrina's mom flew out here to help Jack out with their three sons. Looks like Jack is taking advantage of the help and slipped out for a movie. So while my husband is having his guys night out, I'm getting a little me time. Me, me, me. And I don't begrudge his going out at all. I get girl's nights out quite frequently, thanks to Katrina. And I can't tell you how long it's been since I've had a little peace and quiet. Vince put the kids to bed before he left, and after much fighting it, Francesca finally fell asleep. So it's just me, my Harry Potter movie and the laundry. Well, the whites have been folded already so just one load left to fold. My movie is almost over, so I think I'm headed to bed to re-read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. In much anticipation of the final Harry Potter book and next movie, both due out in July in case you were living under a rock or something, I'm re-reading all the books for a fourth time. Vince suggested I read something new, but I can't. I can't wait until July, and it's holding me over until then. So I'm going to go enjoy the silence while I can.


Jessica said...

I don't know who to be more jealous of, you or Vince. I would LOVE to see the new Spierman, but I would also love to have some Me time and be able to read. Hum...

I also can't wait for the next Harry Potter. I had planned on doing the reread before it came out, but that is so not going to happen.

Over Coffee said...

I am rereading all the Harry Potter books too! Each time a new movie or book comes out I reread all the books. Each time I catch something new; she really is a great story writer. Do you think Harry will survive?

Hope you enjoyed your me time. Sometimes a quiet evening at home is just what we need.

Dawn said...

It never occured to me that Harry wouldn't survive. I think I'll be really upset if he doesn't. I'm not entirely convinced that Dumbledore is dead. Maybe I've been watching too many British mysteries, but I'm waiting for a final twist.

Jessica said...

I don't think Dumbledore is dead either. If he really is, Harry will never survive--does that boy ever really do anything on is own? ;) The only thing that keeps me from being 100% that Snape is good is that blood oath (or whatever it was) he took.

Dawn said...

Yea, the jury's still out on Snape. I'm thinking Dumbledore knew, and had made previous arrangements with Snape without anyone else's knowledge. But maybe I'm just being hopeful that Dumbledore really isn't dead and am looking for a way that it could be so. July cannot come soon enough for me.

Over Coffee said...

My theory is that Snape is actually "good" and that he will end being killed by Voldemort while saving Harry from being killed.

I hope that I can keep myself from reading the last chapter of the next book, something I could not keep myself from doing last time....