Monday, September 12, 2005

The Passing of the Torch

Tonight the 2005-2006 board for The Women of St. Timothy's is being installed. That means I get to hand off my oversized green file folder box to the new treasurer . . . and wish her well. I've held this position for the past two years, and I'm not sorry to see it go. I was actually asked if I would be interested in being President for the next two years. Are these people crazy? Especially with the addition of a third child, my plate is full. I do intend to help out where I can, but it will be so nice to not be actually responsible for anything anymore. Especially since the board ends up doing all the work of the entire organization, mostly anyway. And that really sucks, since five people pull the weight for over eighty. We jokingly called us "The Five Women of St. Timothy's". It will be interesting to see how this new group of women do, especially since they're all pretty much new to the organization and have no idea what they've gotten themselves into. We did manage to raise over $11,000 for St. Clare's Home this year, and over $10,000 for our other project last year. Let's see if they can keep up. It will be entertaining at the least.

So the baby is fussing, and I've got to go get ready to go. My checkbook is updated, and my spreadsheet for the year is complete. There will be a great feeling of relief when this is all over I'm sure.

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